Fees, Early Years Funding, and terms and conditions of payment
Early Years Education (EYE) Funding​
We accept EYE Funding for:
Working families meeting the eligibility criteria for children from 2 years 6 months. You must obtain an eligibility code through Childcare Choices by the end of the month before a new term starts, in order to claim funding for the new term, eg by 31st December for the spring term.
Working families meeting the disadvantaged eligibility criteria for children from 2 years 6 months. You must obtain an eligibility code through the Education Online Portal by the end of the month before a new term starts, in order to claim funding for the new term, eg by 31st December for the spring term.
Families of children in receipt of EYE Universal Funding. Please note that all children become eligible for 15 hours of “EYE Universal Funding” at the start of the term after their third birthday.
Sessions that are not covered by EYE funding are charged at the Session Rate (please see table below).
Fees 2024/2025
Parents of children in receipt of EYE funding are invoiced an hourly Barn Charge, with the exceptions listed in the fees table. This charge contributes towards the cost of providing quality learning experiences and activities, over and above the standard requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
At The Barn, all children have a book bag and take home books from The Barn library. In addition, weekly homelink activities and resources are provided to support home learning. Activities include Rainbow Time, Activate, Music and Movement, Write Dance, small group activities, P.E, woodland activities, gardening, science investigations, baking and foreign language experiences.
Each year, the children learn about the life cycle and the care and handling of ducklings and other animals, and they enjoy visits from people who help us.

Terms and conditions of payment
Fees are invoiced at the beginning of term. Payment is due within 14 days of the invoice date unless you have elected to pay monthly using Childcare Vouchers, Bank Transfer or Tax Free Childcare on the Fees and Payment Options form. From September 2025, we will not accept payment by cash or cheque.
The Barn is registered to receive payments through the Government-backed Tax-Free Childcare Scheme. Eligible parents receive an extra 20% towards childcare costs. When searching the site, please enter our full name: the Barn Nursery School (Wootton) Ltd.
The notice period for a reduction in sessions is the end of the half term before the term in which the reduced number of sessions will take effect.
We are unable to offer a reduction in fees due to illness or term time holidays, or offer alternative days to compensate/make-up.
We are unable to offer refunds/make up sessions in the event of the nursery closing due to extenuating circumstances – including power failures, adverse weather conditions and epidemics.
If fees remain outstanding at the end of the term, The Barn Nursery School reserves the right to charge a late payment fee of £25 plus 8% interest each and every month on any unpaid balances.
In the event that the outstanding amount is not settled within a two month period, The Barn Nursery School has the right to instigate small claims proceedings and will terminate the child's registration until the amount is paid in full.