Week beginning 13th January

This week, the winter fun continues with a Jack Frost story (click to open YouTube link) . The Discoverers will be dancing to music and making musical frost statues, and the Explorers will be matching coloured/patterned mittens and singing Tommy Thumb. The afternoon activities continue with music and movement on Mondays; PE and baking on Tuesdays; Forest School on Wednesdays; German language on Thursdays and Write Dance on Fridays. Outside, the children will be exploring patterns in snow and ice, and making threaded snowflakes. Every afternoon, the Discoverers will be involved in small group activities, building on their language and communication skills, developing confidence and self-esteem, and having fun along the way!
The children will be having Rainbow Time with their key person and will be coming home with their book bags.
Discoverers' word of the week: icicle
And lastly, we would like to say "Well done!" to our newest Explorers. We are so pleased to see how well you are all settling into life at The Barn.