Week beginning 27th January

This week, we will be celebrating Chinese New Year, Barn style! We will be finding out about China, exploring the Dragon Dance and listening to the ancient Chinese New Year story. A pop up Chinese restaurant has opened in the role play area - no need to book! The Chinese New Year marks the beginning of a Chinese calendar year and each cycle is named after an animal. 2025 is the Year of the Snake.
During small circle time, the Discoverers will look more closely at the similarities and differences between our lives and cultures, and will find out where China is. The children will also be 'Going On A Bird Hunt' in their nature activity this week. The Discoverers' word of the week is First.
We would also like to welcome and introduce our two new members of staff, Rachael and Amanda, who have joined our Barn family this term. We also welcomed 2 new children; Onu to our Explorers' room and Martha to our Discoverers' room.